Parkinson Lane Community Primary School
Subject Managers: Miss Barker
Musician in Residence: Shahbaz Hussain
Intent: Our Ethos
At Parkinson Lane Community Primary School, we aim to create a bespoke Music curriculum that is relevant and engaging to all groups of learners. We recognise the importance of nurturing the children's' heritage and culture by studying music familiar to them, whilst also exposing them to different styles and genres of music to help understand the wider world and find their place in society.
We believe that the children need to develop an understanding of Music in order to contribute to a variety of skills that can be utilised in different contexts and situations. Music is used to develop their confidence and self-esteem — helping them to understand themselves and each other. We aim to encourage the children to work together and listen to each other. Music is also used to encourage the children to be creative and to express themselves in different ways. Into our Music curriculum we incorporate listening to and appraising music, singing, instrumental playing, and composing. We also expose the children to written music to provide them with a basic understanding of standard notation. We teach music in a cross curricular manner, using it as a tool to expose children to other cultures through drama and performance.